Novena & reflection to the Sacred Heart

Join us for our 9 day Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus starting Wednesday 15th June To Thursday 23rd June  – We will put a link to the novena on our Facebook page each day  – with a video you can join in with....

Family – Passing on the Faith

As we begin as a diocese and community of faith to plan for a future in hope it is worth remembering that our faith and our core values are passed on primarily in the home. TV advertisements for responsible drinking often end up with the reminder ‘Your children are...

Building Hope Coffee Morning Gatherings

Over the past few months we have been involved in the Universal Church’s Synodal process and we have heard of the Archbishop’s initiative “Building Hope”. There have been parish stats about the downward trend in numbers attending Mass, etc. in our churches. The...

For those sitting Exams

We are coming up to exam time so here’s a few prayers and prayer cards that you may find helpful – We will have a candle lit for you and you can download and print these from – Single Prayer Card Exams 2022 or exam prayer card 2022 Gen...